February 2021 Review and Sunday Post

February has been an odd month this year. In the UK we are still in the midst of lockdown 3.0, there is some hope we will be coming out of it as spring is just round the corner. I am very thankful for my daughter being allowed to attend school in person due to my being a key-worker.

It has been a month of rain, rain and more rain, but there are glimmers of spring on the horizon and we have even had some sunshine.

On the other hand I have been reading LOADS with a grand total of 18 books read including 5 audio-books (over 40 hours), and the rest a mix of printed (6) and e-books (7) totalling nearly 4000 pages.

I have even started writing again, picking up a novel project I had hit a dead end with and looking at it with fresh eyes have helped.

Real Estate

by Deborah Levy

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

I don’t think I have read a memoir as beautifully written as this one. A successful woman who’s youngest daughter has just left home. Instead of moping about it she take a job in Paris. This is a book that tells you how you can be a modern 60 year-old woman with grace, style and panache.

The Old Man and the Sea

by Ernest Hemingway

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Perfect. The old man and the biggest fish he has ever caught in mortal combat for several days, in less than 100 pages this has it all, plot, character development, drama, and a fight to the death.

Atomic Habits:

An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

by James Clear

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg a couple of years ago and this adds to that work but I makes it much more practical. So many straightforward and achievable ways to stop bad habits and form better ones.

The Queen’s Gambit

by Walter Tevis

Amy Landon (Narrator)

Rating: 3 out of 5.

A good rags to success story about an orphan, turned chess prodigy. I know the rules of chess but it’s not something I play these days and due to this I probably didn’t get all the intricacies involved but it was an entertaining story nonetheless.

The Best of the Bunch - Playlist Script

Two very different books but both five star reads and the both deserve the title this month.

E-ARC from Netgalley

A wonderful space opera with an all alien cast. Published in the Uk a couple of weeks ago

See my review here: The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers ★★★★★

Paperback Proof ARC

A dark tale of grief, loss and homelessness with a bittersweet climax.

Due for publication at the end of March my review is scheduled for the 18th March.

Other Books Read This Month- Playlist Script

Currently Reading - playlist script

Reading Challenge Updates - Playlist Script

Its crazy but after two months I am over half way done with most of my challenges.  I even started a new one called The 52 Book Club’s 2021 Reading Challenge as the prompts were so interesting. 

If you want more details, here’s the links:

This Month On the Blog - Playlist Script

Sunday Posts: 

Book Reviews:

Top Ten Tuesdays:   

Linking to_ - playlist script

I will be linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz   It’s Monday What are you Reading? at The Book Date, and because this is a monthly one too Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Best of the Bunch over at A Cocoon of Books.

26 thoughts on “February 2021 Review and Sunday Post

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  1. All these books look good, I remember reading the Hemingway a loooong time ago. I heard The queen’s gambit series was better than the novel… Congratulations on reading so much, I guess the rain helped ! Enjoy your week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow that’s a lot of books! Yay! And I hope you guys are able to get out of lockdown soon. Here things are really opening up and everyone is kind of resuming regular life, feels like- just w/ masks. I really need to get the new Wayfarer book.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Because others won’t take simple precautions, my husband and I have had go into lockdown for ourselves here in Texas. I’m sure that it is much harder to be in a mandated lockdown.

    Real Estate by Deborah Levy sounds fascinating. It would be my dream to go live in Paris at some point in my life.

    I wondered what people would think about the book, Queen’s Gambit.

    I read and loved the first book of the Becky Chambers series, but I haven’t gone farther. One of these days….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. 4000 pages in a month is a wonderful feat. I wish my February was as good as yours. I loved reading My sister, the serial killer in Feb too.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It feels like we’ve had nothing but rain here all summer, I’m hoping Autumn is drier, but not hotter!
    I’ve heard infection rates are dropping in the UK with the vaccination roll out so it seems there is a good chance of lockdown finishing soon.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    Liked by 1 person

  6. In Oregon, we’re still in Lockdown 1.0, but it has lasted almost a year now! I worry that re-entry will be hard for my kids, especially my son. But, we’ll see! Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, I thought we had it bad, but a whole year! Hope your kids readjust to the unlocked world when it happens.


  7. Great reading month! Dumplin’ was a fun read for me too and I binged it before we watched the movie. Our state is opening up despite the increasing numbers that point to another spike in cases happening. So, I remain home and get take out groceries, restaurant food from small businesses, and workout in my living room instead of going to the exercise center. We’ve come this far and I don’t want to reverse course. I hope your March is going well!

    Liked by 1 person

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