Book Review – 52 Ways to Walk by Annabel Streets ★★★★★

Title:  52 Ways to Walk

Subtitle: The New Science and Timeless Joy of How, When, Where, and Why

Author:  Annabel Streets

Genres: Non-Fiction, Science, Exercise

Source: Netgalley

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Publication Date: February 22nd 2022

Pages: 272 pages

_The Blurb - Playlist Script
We think we know how to walk. After all, walking is one of the very first skills we learn. But many of us are stuck in our walking routines, forever walking in the same place, in the same way, for the same time, with the same people. With its thought-provoking and evidence-backed weekly walk routine, 52 Ways to Walk will encourage everyone to improve how they walk, while also encouraging them to seek out new locations (many on their own doorsteps), new walking companions (our brains age better when we mix up our fellow walkers), new times of the day and night, and new skills to acquire while walking.

This is my first five star read for the year and non-fiction five stars are really rare for me, but this was a very timely read. Walking is the only aerobic exercise I can do which doesn’t eventually lead to some kind of knee injury but I can be lazy and the wet and windy weather we have been having lately can put me off. Therefore this book was just what I needed. I requested it on Netgalley before my hiatus and was surprised that my request was accepted in February (and would have missed the chance to download it had I checked Netgalley a day later).

As you can probably guess from the title this book is divided into 52 chapters each describing a way of walking. From rainy walks, windy walks to pilgrimages she looks into the science of why walking is so good for us, in both urban and wilderness settings.

I have always been a lover of a good long walk but have been trying to make it part of my daily routine rain or shine. I don’t have a dog and have no intention of getting one so when the weather is bad, it can be difficult dragging myself out the door. This book has made me appreciate the benefits walking in the cold, wind and/or rain.

It can get a little repetitive occasionally but as it is a book designed to be dipped into or taken in weekly chunks and not read cover to cover like I have, it is to be expected.

It is a well referenced book and quite few pages the back is given over to references and notes and also has a large further reading section at the back which I love.

It is also filled with interesting links and further information on such diverse subjects as foraging, ancient trees, book recommendations and places to see the milky way. On the downside it has also inspired me to go shopping and buy such items as a shewee and uv torch to check out rockpools at night.

What I liked:

  • I have learned so much and it has inspired me in so many ways.
  • Well referenced.
  • A great further reading appendix.

What didn’t work for me:

  • The chapter on walking backwards was too silly so I skipped it.
  • She does repeat herself occasionally, but it wasn’t particularly annoying.

Suitable For: Anybody who needs inspiration to get out the door.

 Just what I needed to jump-start my walking. Highly recommended.

Annabel Streets also known as Anabel Abbs for her works of fiction, her debut won the 2015 Impress Prize for New Writing and she went on to publish two more in later years. She also has one nonfiction by that name: Windswept: Walking the Paths of Trailblazing Women which also looks amazing. She also co-authored The Age-Well Project which is based on her blog of the same name looks so good and something I need to read, I have ordered myself a copy (the library has failed me on this one). She studied English Language at the University of East Anglia and and a Masters from the University of Kingston in her youth but didn’t start writing professionally until later in life

She lives in London with her husband and has four kids. Where does she find the time? She has another more personal website she tweets  @annabelabbs and you can find her Instagram here.

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